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An open source generator for complex SDKs

Published at
1 day ago

Borea Python HTTP Client SDK Generator

Please learn more about Borea and our mission at and our organization on GitHub Borea-dev.

This repository contains a Python HTTP client SDK generator. It generates a Python client from an OpenAPI specification.



  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • pip (Python package installer)

Quick Setup (Recommended)

Run the automated setup script:

source is required to activate the virtual environment

source ./

Deactivate the Python venv:


This script will:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment (.venv)
  2. Activate the virtual environment
  3. Install all required dependencies

Available options: [OPTIONS]

  -r, --recreate    Recreate virtual environment (deletes existing .venv)
  -i, --reinstall   Reinstall all requirements
  -h, --help        Show this help message

Manual Setup

If you prefer to set up manually, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment:
  • On macOS/Linux:
source .venv/bin/activate
  • On Windows:
  1. Install the package dependencies:
pip install -r src/requirements.txt


Running the Python SDK Generator

  1. Ensure you have a valid OpenAPI specification file (openapi.json) in the root directory. Command line arguments and configuration are detailed below.

  2. Run the SDK generator after configuration:

python -m src.borea-python.python_sdk_generator.python_sdk_generator

The generator will create the Python HTTP client SDK based on the OpenAPI specification.



Command line arguments take precedence over settings in borea.config.json.

The project uses borea.config.json for configuration settings. Example config with the defaults:

	"input": {
		"openapi": ["openapi.json"]
	"output": {
		"clientSDK": "Formatted OpenAPI Title by default",
		"models": "models",
		"tests": false,
		"xCodeSamples": false
	"ignores": []
  • input: map input options to array of values, ordered by precedence. For example, first value is a file path and the second is a URL. If the file cannot be found, then the URL will be used.
  • output: map output options to values
  • ignore: array of glob patterns to ignore. No file or directory matching the pattern will be created.

Command line help

Show this help message with --help:

Usage: python -m src.borea-python.python_sdk_generator.python_sdk_generator

  Generate a Python SDK from an OpenAPI specification.

  The OpenAPI specification can be provided as a local file path or a URL. For
  URLs, both JSON and YAML formats are supported.

  -i, --openapi-input TEXT   Path to OpenAPI specification file or URL
  -o, --sdk-output TEXT      Output directory for the generated SDK
  -m, --models-output TEXT   Output directory for the generated models
  -t, --tests TEXT           Generate tests
  -x, --x-code-samples TEXT  Generate x-code-samples
  -c, --config TEXT          Path to borea.config.json
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

Running Tests

To be implemented...

To run the test suite:

python -m pytest

Project Structure

  • src/ - Contains the source code for the SDK generator
  • openapi.json - OpenAPI specification file or wherever you decide to put it
  • borea.config.json - Configuration file for the generator
  • .venv/ - Python virtual environment (created during setup)


This project is licensed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.