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Legolas – An Open Source Bipedal Robot

Published at
5 days ago

Legolas - An Open Source Bipedal Robot

Legolas is a mini bipedal robot inspired by the Cassie by Agility Robotics. The project aims to provide an open-source platform for learning and applying reinforcement learning in robotics.

Video 3

Repository Contents

This repository contains CAD files and 3D printing files for Legolas.

The code for the robot is available at Legolas Controller.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Modify the CAD files:

    Modify the CAD files to fit your specific needs using Solidworks.

  3. 3D Print your own robot:

    Alternatively, use the provided STL files located in CAD/Legolas/V2/STLs to 3D print your own robot.

  4. Assemble the robot and have fun!

Required Materials

Materials and components used are listed and linked below.

Main Body

  1. 3D printing filament x 1 kg
  2. Metric Nuts and Bolts
  3. Metric Locknuts
  4. Thrust Bearings
  5. Ball joint rod end
  6. M4 threaded rod


  1. Raspberry Pi 4
  2. PCA9685 Servo Driver Board
  3. 40 kg Hobby Servos x 8
  4. 80 kg Hobby Servos x 2
  5. MPU6050 IMU
  6. ADS1115 ADC
  7. Jumper Wires
  8. Power DIY Connector
  9. USB C Connector
  10. 4 to 1 Wire Connector

Assembly Instruction

Instructions and examples for assembling Legolas will be added in future updates.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Inspired by the Cassie robot by Agility Robotics.
  • Solidworks was used for the physical design of the robot.