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GitHub-traffic: GitHub traffic CLI utility with bonus features

Published at
6 days ago

GitHub traffic CLI

Use this command line interface (CLI) tool to produce a textual GitHub traffic report for any repository. The report is similar in format to GitHub's Traffic page, but includes additional features such as star diffs between usages, who starred/unstarred the repo, and unique view ratio per top views. See the example below.


This is a Java language project. While you can use the development tools of your choice, this project uses manifold, therefore it is best to develop this project in IntelliJ IDEA with the manifold plugin enabled.



Command line

From the project root directory:

mvn package

This will produce an executable JAR file in the ./target directory.



  • Java 8 or later

Ensure a JVM 8 or greater is on your execution path.

Use the included shell script to run the GitHub traffic CLI tool.

  • traffic for Unix/Mac
  • traffic.bat for Windows


traffic -user joeuser -repo joeswidget -token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Required parameters:

-user: Github user/org name

-repo: Github repository name

-token: Github authentication token

Optional parameters:

-days: Number of days to display. Values may range from 1..14. Default is 14.

Sample report
