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A basic Markdown parser in C++ (header only)

Published at
2 days ago


a very basic header only markdown parser.

uses boost::spirit for parsing and lexing.

have look at the tests for an idea how to use it.

i will add more examples and use cases later.

at the moment there are these renderers:

  • PlainTextRenderer: renders everything into a plain std::string. code execution does not work really. i only added some fake results for testing
  • HTMLRenderer: renders everything into a very simple html std::string. code execution does not work really. i only added some fake results for testing


this only supports a very limited and adapted markdown dialect.

it only supports a few attributes: *italic*, **bold**, [link](reference), inline code execution (not specified in the standard specification), custom attributes (also not standard)

inline code execution

the renderer is responsible to render these correctly. $code$ executes a code snippet like on a command line and inserts the result. $$code$$ executes code. if the code returns a value this value is inserted. if not, it just executes. $:include.lua$ includes an external file and executes it. should not insert any text.

custom attributes

custom attributes: %text%(attributename) the renderer is responsible to render them correctly.


the tests are written in objective-c++ and there's an xcode-project for that, but you can safely ignore that if you are not on a mac or don't care about the test. at the moment it fails one test for the html renderer because it does not correctly render linefeeds. i might change that in the future but it does not have a hight priority.