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Play Snake while watching YouTube videos

Published at
Feb 8, 2025



Did you ever play snake over a YouTube video? Yes. This was a YouTube out of the box feature, this extension aims to give it back.


Black screen video selected on purpose


How it works

  • Press "S" to start the game.
  • use "A", "S", "D", "W" to move snake
  • use "Q" to switch color, because some colors aren't visible on some backgrounds
  • use "E" if you want to see your score / max score, on the top left corner

Install extension


Get uBlock Origin for Firefox


  1. Go to latest release
  2. Download zip and unpack it
  3. Go to chrome://extensions
  4. Turn developer mode on
  5. Install unpacked extension, just select the unpacked folder


I know is just a simple addon, but if for whatever reason you liked the game and you would like to contribute you can buy me a cofee here πŸ˜€.

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