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YAML-Powered URL and Shell Command Shortener

Published at
Jan 16, 2025


A fast, lightweight URL mapping and redirection system that dynamically manages URL shortcuts through YAML configuration files. Perfect for creating and managing custom URL shorteners for internal tools, documentation, or any web resources.



Yamlink solves the common challenge of managing and accessing numerous URLs within an organization or personal workflow by:

  • Creating human-readable shortcuts for complex URLs
  • Supporting hierarchical URL organization through YAML
  • Providing real-time configuration updates without service restart
  • Offering both CLI and server components for flexible usage


  1. Prerequisites

    • Go 1.22.4 or higher
    • Make (optional, for using Makefile commands)
  2. Build from Source

    # Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd yamlink
    # Build the binaries
    go build ./cmd/yamlink    # Server component
    go build ./cmd/shelinks   # CLI component
  3. Install System-wide (Optional)

    # Move binaries to system path
    sudo mv yamlink /usr/local/bin/
    sudo mv shelinks /usr/local/bin/


Server Mode (yamlink)

  1. Create Configuration Files

    # config.yaml
    host: localhost
    port: 8080
    map_file: map.yaml
    refresh_interval: 5 # seconds
    # map.yaml
  2. Start the Server

    CONFIG_FILE=config.yaml ./yamlink
  3. Access URLs

    • Visit http://localhost:8080/github/profile
    • Visit http://localhost:8080/docs/0

CLI Mode (shelinks)

  1. Set up Configuration

    # ~/.shelinks.yaml
    gs: git status
    gp: git push
  2. Use in Shell

    # For ZSH
    source scripts/init.zsh /path/to/shelinks ~/.shelinks.yaml
    # For Fish
    source scripts/ /path/to/shelinks ~/.shelinks.yaml
  3. Use Shortcuts

    s/gs    # Expands to 'git status'
    s/gp    # Expands to 'git push'


  • Dynamic URL Mapping: Support for nested URL structures up to 3 levels deep
  • Real-time Updates: Configuration changes are automatically detected and applied
  • Multiple Access Methods:
    • Server mode for web-based access
    • CLI mode for shell integration
  • Flexible Configuration:
    • Support for both single URLs and arrays of URLs
    • Custom refresh intervals for configuration updates
  • Shell Integration: Native support for zsh and fish shells
  • Logging: Structured JSON logging with configurable log levels

Contributing Guidelines

  1. Issue First: Create or find an issue before starting work
  2. Issue Tags: Use descriptive tags:
    • [BUG] for bug reports
    • [FEATURE] for feature requests
    • [DOCS] for documentation improvements
  3. Work Assignment: Don't work on issues already assigned to others
  4. Testing: Ensure all tests pass by running make test
  5. Code Style: Follow Go standard formatting guidelines


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.