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Image Optimizer for Next.js

Published at
Jan 9, 2025

Vadimages Next.js image optimizer

This is a simple image optimizer for Next.js projects. It uses the sharp library to optimize images and the next/image component to display them.


npm install vadimages-nextjs-image-optimizer


  • Node.js 16 or higher
  • Next.js 12 or higher
  • Set meta tag <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> in your layout head


1. Set environment variables

// In your next.config.js file
module.exports = {
    env: {
        vadImage_imagesPath: "public/assets",
        vadImage_buildFolderPath: "build",
        vadImage_quality: "92",
        vadImage_formats: ['webp', 'avif'].join(','),
        vadImage_optimizationDirName: "/opt/",
        vadImage_imagesSizes: [320, 480, 512, 640, 787, 1024, 1280, 1440, 1920].join(','),
        vadImage_pixelRatio: [1, 2, 3].join(','),

        vadImage_enableUpload: "true",
        vadImage_upload_accessKey: "YOUR_CF_ACCESS_KEY",
        vadImage_upload_secretKey: "YOUR_CF_SECRET_KEY",
        vadImage_upload_endpoint: "",
        vadImage_upload_domain: "",
        vadImage_upload_bucket: "R2_BUCKET_NAME",
Variable Description
vadImage_imagesPath The path to the images folder in your project.
vadImage_buildFolderPath The path to the build folder in your project.
vadImage_quality The quality of the optimized images.
vadImage_formats The formats of the optimized images.
vadImage_optimizationDirName The name of the folder where the optimized images will be stored.
vadImage_imagesSizes The sizes of the optimized images.
vadImage_pixelRatio The pixel ratios of the optimized images.
vadImage_enableUpload Enable or disable image upload to Cloudflare.
vadImage_upload_accessKey The access key for the Cloudflare account.
vadImage_upload_secretKey The secret key for the Cloudflare account.
vadImage_upload_endpoint The endpoint for the Cloudflare account.
vadImage_upload_domain The domain for the Cloudflare account.
vadImage_upload_bucket The bucket name for the Cloudflare account.

2. Setup and run images build command

// In your package.json file
  "scripts": {
    "build:images": "vadimages-nextjs-image-optimizer --nextConfigPath ./next.config.js"
npm run build:images

3. Use the VadImage component

import VadImage from 'vadimages-nextjs-image-optimizer';

export default function Home() {
    return (

The VadImage component has all the same props as the next/image component, plus the following additional props:

Prop Description
mobileSrc The path to the mobile image.
mobileWidth The width of the mobile image.
mobileHeight The height of the mobile image.