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Libh – Functional component and Vue-like ref with Objective class model

Published at
Jan 3, 2025

πŸ› libh

Open in StackBlitz NPM Version npm package minimized gzipped size

// get ingredients

import { $, h as html, on } from "libh"

// cook yours

function Component() {

    const count = $(0);

    return html`
        <h1>Count is ${count}</h1>
        <button ${{ []: () => count.$++ }}>
            Add more!

// throw into the DOM


Visit live demo.


npm i libh


import { $, h as html } from "";


Class-model | Bidirecetional binding | Post-processing


import { $, h as html, on, css } from "libh"

const ButtonClass = {
    [css]: {
        color: "white",
        backgroundColor: "blue",
    []: () => alert("hi")

function Main() {

    const count = $(0);

    return html`
        <button ${{ []: () => count.$++, ...ButtonClass }}>
            I'm styled ${count}!

Bidirecetional binding

function Linked() {

    const valueHolder = $(0)

    return html`
        <h1>these are linked!</h1>
        <input ${{ value: valueHolder, type: "range" }}>
        <input ${{ value: valueHolder, type: "range" }}>
        <label>value is ${valueHolder}</label>


function Canvas() {

    const colorSwitch = $(true);

    return html`
        <canvas ${{ id: "color", []: () => colorSwitch.switch() }}></canvas>

    `.then(({ color }) => {

        const ctx = color.getContext("2d");
        colorSwitch.into($ => $ ? "red" : "blue").watch($ => {
            ctx.fillStyle = $;
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

Draggable List

function Canvas() {

    const customers = $([]);

    const name = $(""), email = $("");

    return html`
        <ul>${customers.into(({ name, email }, ref) => html`
            <li>name: ${name}, email: ${email}</li>
            <button ${{
                []() {
        `, { sync: true, draggable: true })}</ul>
        <input ${{ value: name, type: "string" }}>
        <input ${{ value: email, type: "email" }}>

        <button ${{ []: () => {
            customers.push({ name: name.$, email: email.$ });
            name.$ = "";
            email.$ = "";
        } }}>submit</button>


libh is WTFPL licensed.