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Web Application Firewall for Caddy with OWASP Rule-Based Filtering

Published at
Jan 3, 2025

πŸ›‘οΈ Caddy WAF Middleware

A robust, highly customizable, and feature-rich Web Application Firewall (WAF) middleware for the Caddy web server. This middleware provides advanced protection against a comprehensive range of web-based threats, seamlessly integrating with Caddy and offering flexible configuration options to secure your applications effectively.

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πŸ›‘οΈ Core Protections

  • Regex-Based Filtering: Deep URL, data & header inspection using powerful regex rules.
  • Blacklisting: Blocks malicious IPs, domains & optionally TOR exit nodes.
  • Geo-Blocking: Restricts access by country using GeoIP.
  • Rate Limiting: Prevents abuse via customizable IP request limits.
  • Anomaly Scoring: Dynamically blocks requests based on cumulative rule matches.
  • Multi-Phase Inspection: Analyzes traffic throughout the request lifecycle.
  • Sensitive Data Redaction: Removes private info from logs.
  • Custom Response Handling: Tailored responses for blocked requests.
  • Detailed Monitoring: JSON endpoint for performance tracking & analysis.
  • Dynamic Config Reloads: Seamless updates without restarts.
  • File Watchers: Automatic reloads on rule/blacklist changes.
  • Observability: Seamless integration with ELK stack and Prometheus.

Simple at a glance UI :) demo

πŸš€ Quick Start

curl -fsSL -H "Pragma: no-cache" | bash

Example Output:

2025/01/29 13:50:49.791 INFO    Provisioning WAF middleware     {"log_level": "info", "log_path": "debug.json", "log_json": true, "anomaly_threshold": 10}
2025/01/29 12:50:49.918 INFO    http.handlers.waf       Tor exit nodes updated  {"count": 1093}
2025/01/29 13:50:49.918 INFO    WAF middleware version  {"version": "v0.0.0-20250128221917-c99e875aaf7c"}
2025/01/29 13:50:49.918 INFO    Rate limit configuration        {"requests": 100, "window": 10, "cleanup_interval": 300, "paths": ["/api/v1/.*", "/admin/.*"], "match_all_paths": false}
2025/01/29 13:50:49.918 WARN    GeoIP database not found. Country blocking/whitelisting will be disabled        {"path": "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"}
2025/01/29 13:50:50.359 INFO    IP blacklist loaded     {"path": "ip_blacklist.txt", "valid_entries": 223770, "invalid_entries": 0, "total_lines": 223770}
2025/01/29 13:50:50.489 INFO    DNS blacklist loaded    {"path": "dns_blacklist.txt", "valid_entries": 854479, "total_lines": 854479}
2025/01/29 13:50:50.490 INFO    WAF rules loaded successfully   {"total_rules": 33, "rule_counts": "Phase 1: 17 rules, Phase 2: 16 rules, Phase 3: 0 rules, Phase 4: 0 rules, "}
2025/01/29 13:50:50.490 INFO    WAF middleware provisioned successfully

πŸ“‘ Table of Contents

  1. πŸš€ Installation
  2. πŸ› οΈ Basic Configuration
  3. πŸ“š Full Documentation
  4. πŸ“œ License
  5. πŸ™ Contributing

πŸš€ Installation

# Step 1: Clone the caddy-waf repository from GitHub
git clone

# Step 2: Navigate into the caddy-waf directory
cd caddy-waf

# Step 3: Clean up and update the go.mod file
go mod tidy

# Step 4: Fetch and install the required Go modules
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get -v
go mod tidy

# Step 5: Download the GeoLite2 Country database (required for country blocking/whitelisting)

# Step 6: Build Caddy with the caddy-waf module
xcaddy build --with

# Step 7: Fix Caddyfile format
caddy fmt --overwrite

# Step 8: Run the compiled Caddy server
./caddy run

πŸ› οΈ Basic Configuration

Here's a minimal Caddyfile example to get started:

    auto_https off
    admin localhost:2019

:8080 {
    log {
        output stdout
        format console
        level INFO

    handle {
        header -Server

    route {
        # WAF Plugin runs on all requests first
        waf {
            metrics_endpoint /waf_metrics
            rule_file rules.json
            ip_blacklist_file ip_blacklist.txt
            dns_blacklist_file dns_blacklist.txt

        # Match the waf metrics endpoint specifically and stop processing
        @wafmetrics path /waf_metrics
        handle @wafmetrics {
            # Do not respond here so it goes to the WAF plugin

        # All other requests, respond with "Hello World"
        handle {
            respond "Hello world!" 200

For more detailed configuration options, rules format, and usage instructions, please refer to the Full Documentation.

πŸ“š Full Documentation

For complete documentation, including configuration options, rule format details, protected attack types, testing strategies, and more, please refer to the /docs directory in this repository.

πŸ“‘ Table of Contents

  1. Installation - Instructions for installing the Caddy WAF middleware.
  2. Configuration Options - Detailed explanation of all available configuration settings.
  3. Rules Format (rules.json) - A comprehensive guide to defining custom rules using the JSON format.
  4. Blacklist Formats - Documentation of the formats used for defining IP and DNS blacklists.
  5. Rate Limiting - How to configure rate limiting, including parameters and usage.
  6. Country Blocking and Whitelisting - Details on how to configure country-based blocking and whitelisting.
  7. Protected Attack Types - An overview of the wide range of web-based threats that the Caddy WAF is designed to protect against.
  8. Dynamic Updates - How to dynamically update the WAF rules and other settings without downtime.
  9. Metrics - Details about the WAF's metrics endpoint and the different metrics collected.
  10. Prometheus Metrics - Instructions on how to expose WAF metrics using the Prometheus format.
  11. ELK Observability - Instructions on how to configure caddy-waf ELK stack observability.
  12. Rule/Blacklist Population Scripts - Documentation on the provided scripts to automatically fetch, update and generate rules and blacklists.
  13. Testing - Guidance on how to test the WAF's effectiveness using the provided testing tools.
  14. Docker Support - Instructions on how to build and run the WAF using Docker.

πŸ“œ License

This project is licensed under the AGPLv3 License.

πŸ™ Contributing

Contributions are highly welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.