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JLCSearch – Find the most in-stock jlcpcb parts

Published at
Dec 24, 2024

jlcsearch (in-stock jlcpcb search engine and API)

Search for Parts β‹… tscircuit β‹… discord

This is an in-stock parts search engine for JLCPCB parts. It also features an easy-to-use API (just add ".json")

Play with it at


API Usage

You can go on any page and click "json" in the top right corner to automatically convert whatever filter you've made to a JSON query.


# {
#  "resistors": [
#    {
#      "lcsc": 21190,
#      "mfr": "0603WAF1001T5E",
#      "package": "0603",
#      "resistance": 1000,
#      "tolerance_fraction": 0.01,
#      "power_watts": 100,
#      "stock": 31485061,
#      "price1": 0.000814286
#    },
#    {
#      "lcsc": 11702,
#      "mfr": "0402WGF1001TCE",
#      "package": "0402",
#      "resistance": 1000,
#      ...


Run bun i then bun run setup to download the necessary dependencies and vendor data, you can then run bun run start to start the server.

All the routes are in the routes folder. If you want to add a new page/table, you can do the following:

  1. Create a new "derived table" inside lib/db/derivedtables, reference docs to understand the structure and available properties for different components
  2. Run bun run scripts/setup-derived-tables.ts --reset led_driver (if led_driver is the name of the table you're adding)
  3. Create a new route inside routes to represent the page
  4. Add the new route to the routes/index.ts file

AI is incredibly good at performing every step in the process above, end to end. I recommend using aider and adding docs, lib, routes and scripts folders to the context.


None of this would be possible without JLCPCB and the work jlcparts project.