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I built a zero-dependency-injection Prometheus metrics reporter for NestJS

Published at
Dec 23, 2024

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NestJS Metrics Reporter

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πŸ“Š A zero-dependency-injection alternative to Prometheus metrics solutions for NestJS.
Effortlessly report metrics from anywhere in your codebase without complex setup or dependency injection.

Overview β€’ Quick Start β€’ API Reference β€’ Contributing β€’ License


npm install nestjs-metrics-reporter


nestjs-metrics-reporter is a lightweight, zero-setup solution for reporting metrics in your NestJS application. It eliminates the need for dependency injection or extensive configuration. Instantly report metrics from anywhere in your application using a global static reporter.

import { ReporterService } from 'nestjs-metrics-reporter';

ReporterService.counter( 'api_requests_total', { endpoint: '/users' } );
graph TD
    subgraph Application["Application"]
        UserModule[User Module]
        ProductModule[Product Module]
        UserModule --> ReporterService
        ProductModule --> ReporterService
        ReporterService --> MetricsService
        MetricsService --> Registry["Prometheus Registry (Singleton)"]
        MetricsController[/metrics endpoint/] --> Registry
    Prometheus[Prometheus Scraper] --> MetricsController

    MetricsService["Metrics Service (Counters, Gauges, etc.)"]
    ReporterService["Reporter Service (Global Wrapper)"]

Why Choose nestjs-metrics-reporter?

πŸš€ No Dependency Injection
No need for cumbersome dependency injection, making your code much more cleaner.

🌟 Effortless Integration
Start tracking metrics immediately with zero setup.

🎯 Focus on Simplicity
Powerful metrics without the complexity of managing dependencies or boilerplate code.

πŸ“€ Pushgateway Support
Easily push metrics to a Pushgateway server for batch job metrics.

Quick Start

1. Import and Configure the Module

Minimal setup required! Just import the ReporterModule in your AppModule.

import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ReporterModule } from 'nestjs-metrics-reporter';

@Module( {
     imports: [
          ReporterModule.forRoot( {
               // Default metrics are disabled by default, set to true to enable.
               defaultMetricsEnabled: true,
               defaultLabels: {
                    app: 'my-app',
                    environment: 'production',
               // Optional: Configure interceptors for custom metrics
               interceptors: [ SomeInterceptor ],
               // Optional: Configure Pushgateway for batch job metrics
               pushgatewayUrl: 'http://pushgateway:9091',
               pushgatewayOptions: {
                    timeout: 5000,
                    headers: {
                         'Custom-Header': 'value'
                    auth: {
                         username: 'user',
                         password: 'pass'
          } ),
} )
export class AppModule {

2. Report Metrics Anywhere

Once initialized, you can start reporting metrics instantly from anywhere in your application.

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ReporterService } from 'nestjs-metrics-reporter';

export class UserService {
     async createUser() {
          // Increment user creation counter
          ReporterService.counter( 'users_created_total', {
               source: 'api',
               user_type: 'standard'
          } );
          // Increment counter with custom value
          ReporterService.counter( 'batch_users_created_total', {
               source: 'batch',
               user_type: 'standard'
          }, 5 );
          // Update active user gauge
          ReporterService.gauge( 'active_users', 42, {
               region: 'us-east-1'
          } );
          // Push metrics to Pushgateway
          await ReporterService.pushMetrics( 'user_service_job' );

API Reference

The global static service for reporting metrics:

Method Description Parameters
counter() Increment a counter metric key: string, labels?: Record<string, string | number>, value?: number = 1
gauge() Set a gauge value key: string, value: number, labels?: Record<string, string | number>
histogram() Record a histogram value key: string, value: number, labels?: Record<string, string | number>, buckets?: number[]
summary() Record a summary value key: string, value: number, labels?: Record<string, string | number>, percentiles?: number[]
pushMetrics() Push metrics to Pushgateway jobName: string

Module Configuration


Option Type Default Description
defaultMetricsEnabled boolean false Enable collection of default metrics
defaultLabels Record<string, string> {} Labels automatically added to all metrics
pushgatewayUrl string undefined URL of the Pushgateway server
pushgatewayOptions PushgatewayOptions {} Additional options for Pushgateway requests
interceptors Type<any>[] [] Interceptors for custom metrics reporting


Supports dynamic configuration with factory providers:

ReporterModule.forRootAsync( {
     imports: [ ConfigModule ],
     inject: [ ConfigService ],
     useFactory: () => ( {
          defaultLabels: {
               app: configService.get( 'APP_NAME' ) || 'default-app',
               environment: configService.get( 'NODE_ENV' ) || 'development',
          pushgatewayUrl: configService.get( 'PUSHGATEWAY_URL' ),
          pushgatewayOptions: {
               timeout: +configService.get( 'PUSHGATEWAY_TIMEOUT' ) || 5000
     } ),
} );


This package uses semantic versioning via commit messages:

Version Bumping Commits

# Patch Release (1.0.X)
fix: message      # Bug fixes
perf: message     # Performance improvements

# Minor Release (1.X.0)
feat: message     # New features

# Major Release (X.0.0)
feat!: message            # Breaking change
fix!: message             # Breaking change
BREAKING CHANGE: message  # Breaking change anywhere in the commit body

Non-Version Bumping Commits

Only these specific types are allowed:

build: message    # Changes to build system or dependencies
chore: message    # Maintenance tasks
ci: message       # CI configuration files and scripts
docs: message     # Documentation only
refactor: message # Neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
style: message    # Code style (formatting, semicolons, etc)
test: message     # Adding or correcting tests

Any other prefix will cause the commit to be ignored by semantic-release and won't appear anywhere in release notes.


Contributions are welcome! Please check out our Contributing Guide to get started.


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.