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Model Context Protocol SDK for Kotlin

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7 hours ago
Model Context Protocol SDK for Kotlin

MCP Kotlin SDK

Kotlin implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing both client and server capabilities for integrating with LLM surfaces.


The Model Context Protocol allows applications to provide context for LLMs in a standardized way, separating the concerns of providing context from the actual LLM interaction. This Kotlin SDK implements the full MCP specification, making it easy to:

  • Build MCP clients that can connect to any MCP server
  • Create MCP servers that expose resources, prompts and tools
  • Use standard transports like stdio, SSE, and WebSocket
  • Handle all MCP protocol messages and lifecycle events


  • kotlin-mcp-server: shows how to set up a Kotlin MCP server with different tools and other features.


Add the new repository to your build file:

repositories {

Add the dependency:

dependencies {

Quick Start

Creating a Client

import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.client.Client
import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.client.StdioClientTransport
import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.Implementation

val client = Client(
    clientInfo = Implementation(
        name = "example-client",
        version = "1.0.0"

val transport = StdioClientTransport(
    inputStream = processInputStream,
    outputStream = processOutputStream

// Connect to server

// List available resources
val resources = client.listResources()

// Read a specific resource
val resourceContent = client.readResource(
    ReadResourceRequest(uri = "file:///example.txt")

Creating a Server

import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.server.Server
import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.server.ServerOptions
import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.server.StdioServerTransport
import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.ServerCapabilities

val server = Server(
    serverInfo = Implementation(
        name = "example-server",
        version = "1.0.0"
    options = ServerOptions(
        capabilities = ServerCapabilities(
            resources = ServerCapabilities.Resources(
                subscribe = true,
                listChanged = true

// Add a resource
    uri = "file:///example.txt",
    name = "Example Resource",
    description = "An example text file",
    mimeType = "text/plain"
) { request ->
        contents = listOf(
                text = "This is the content of the example resource.",
                uri = request.uri,
                mimeType = "text/plain"

// Start server with stdio transport
val transport = StdioServerTransport()

Using SSE Transport

import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.modelcontextprotocol.kotlin.sdk.server.MCP

fun Application.module() {
    MCP {
            serverInfo = Implementation(
                name = "example-sse-server",
                version = "1.0.0"
            options = ServerOptions(
                capabilities = ServerCapabilities(
                    prompts = ServerCapabilities.Prompts(listChanged = null),
                    resources = ServerCapabilities.Resources(subscribe = null, listChanged = null)


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This project is licensed under the MIT License—see the LICENSE file for details.

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