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S3Dict – Access S3 buckets as dictionaries

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2 days ago

S3Dict - Access S3 buckets as dictionaries


pip install s3dict


import boto3
import s3dict

# create a boto3 bucket resource
bucket = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket('s3dict-test')

# S3 object with key 'hello' is created, with content 'world' (pickled)
bucket['hello'] = 'world'
bucket['hola'] = 'mundo'

for k, v in bucket.items():
    print(f'{k} -> {v}')

del bucket['hello']

Why oh why?

Just for curiosity. bucket[k] = v is easier than bucket.put_object(Key=k, Body=pickle.dumps(v)) right? :)

Please let us know if you found a real use case.


  • Buckets are not ordered like Python dictionaries are ordered (by insertion order).
  • len(bucket) runs O(N) - it lists bucket objects and counts.
  • popitem() returns an arbitrary item (since unordered).
  • keys() and values() are iterators, not views.
  • Dictionary keys must be str. They cannot be too long (underlying S3 key may not be >1024 chars).
  • Dictionary values must be serializable (Pickle by default, you can bring your own serialization / "codec").


They are welcome. TODOs offers some ideas.

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